Andre forskningsprojekter


The Neurobiology of Multisystemic Functional Somatic Disorders - Potential Biomarkers and Novel Pharmacological Treatment Avenues
Biologisk projekt i samarbejde med Gregers Wegener og Cecilie Bay-Richter, Translational Neuropsychiatry Unit, Aarhus Universitet 
Hovedansvarlig på FL: Professor Per Fink,

eASY Behandlerstøtte
Hovedansvarlig på FL: Marianne Rosendal, seniorforsker ph.d.

Functional Somatic Syndromes. Delimitation, occurrence, risk factors and prognosis DanFunD (the Danish Functional Diseases project)
Multicenterstudie med deltagelse af Center for Klinisk Forskning og Forebyggelse (CKFF), Region Hovedstaden, Funktionelle Lidelser, Aarhus Universitetshospital, Mental Health Centre Copenhagen.
Hovedansvarlig på FL: Professor Per Fink,

Functional symptoms and syndromes in the general Danish population (DanFunD)
Hovedansvarlig: Marie Weinreich Petersen,, ph.d.

eASY. eHealth and GP-assisted program for persistent symptoms
Hovedansvarlige: Marianne Rosendal,, ph.d. og professor Lisbeth Frostholm, cand.psych., ph.d.

Innovative training networks: ETUDE - Encompassing training in functional disorders across Europe
Scientific responsible ved AU: Professor Lisbeth Frostholm, cand.psych., ph.d.

Implementation of internet-delivered treatment of functional gastrointestinal disorders for children, adolescents and adults
Hovedansvarlig for voksen-programmet: Professor Lisbeth Frostholm, cand.psych., ph.d.

Internet-delivered therapy for colorectal cancer survivors with fear of cancer recurrence
Hovedansvarlig: Lyhne JL., ph.d.-stud. (Vejle Sygehus)
Vejledere: Professor Per Fink, og professor Lisbeth Frostholm, cand.psych., ph.d.

eMindYourHeart - internet-delivered treatment for cardiac patients with anxiety and depression 
Multicenterstudie, som udgår fra SDU, hvor afdelingen er partner.
Hovedansvarlig på FL: Professor Lisbeth Frostholm, cand.psych., ph.d.

Internet-based treatment of patients with bodily distress syndrome
Hovedansvarlig: Professor Lisbeth Frostholm, cand.psych., ph.d.

From vaccination to epidemic. A mapping of the HPV vaccination controversy to explore social and cultural dimensions of the unexpected rise in reported HPV vaccine related adverse effects in Denmark
Hovedansvarlig: Lektor Marie Louise Tørring, MA, ph.d., Institut for Kultur og Samfund, Aarhus Universitet.

Efficacy of assessment-informed patient education and duloxetine, alone and combination, for patients with multiple functional somatic syndromes (multiorgan BDS): a partial-factorial randomised controlled trial (the EDULOX trial)
Hovedansvarlig: Lektor og overlæge Lise Kirstine Gormsen, ph.d.

Neuronal whole brain computational modelling in patients with multi organ Bodily Distress Syndrome 
Hovedansvarlig på FL: Lektor og overlæge Lise Kirstine Gormsen, ph.d.

Comprehensive evaluation of a new diagnostic clinic for functional disorders – the DISTRESS trial
Hovedansvarlig på FL: Lektor og overlæge Lise Kirstine Gormsen, ph.d.

Andre projekter

Formidling af viden om funktionelle lidelser
Hovedansvarlig: Line Lynge Nielsen, cand.scient.san. publ.

 Diagnostisk interview, SCAN.
Afdelingen er med i WHO Advisory Board som aktuelt arbejder på at revidere interviewet. Afdelingen står desuden for udvikling af softwareprogram til SCAN.
Hovedansvarlig: Professor Per Fink,